MiCor – Gain Clarity, Build Confidence and Reach Your Fullest Potential
Do you have something you look forward to when you wake up every day?
Do you have the opportunity to use your strengths every day?
Do you feel fulfilled--mentally, emotionally, personally, professionally, or spiritually—at the end of every day?
Missy and Cory created MiCor to help women identify their strengths, discover their passions, and design their own path so that they can confidently answer "Yes!" to these questions.
Over the years, Missy and Cory have spoken with countless women in the community who yearned for a more meaningful way to spend their days – whether that meant starting their own company, learning a new skill, changing jobs/careers to one that was more fulfilling, finding inspirational volunteer work, or returning to the workplace –without upending their family’s delicate balance.
Through their individual coaching work, they knew there was a wealth of untapped female talent in their community, and they wanted to give back. After a year of long walks and enthusiastic brainstorms, they decided to join forces to create a program that would help women identify their strengths, discover their passions, gain confidence, and design a path toward fulfillment.
From the Mi Cor Community